Privacy Policy


Pursuant to article 13 of the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereafter GDPR) and in relationto the personal data of which Giovanni Bottesini Musical Association based in Crema, via Vimercati 11, will receive upon registration to the competition, we will communicate the following:

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Data Controller and persons responsible for the processing of personal data

The data Controller is Giovanni Bottesini Musical Association. The Data Controller may be contacted by e-mail at the address or at the registered office of the owner, by mail.

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Purposes of data processing

The processing is aimed at the correct and complete execution of the relationship. Your data will be:

  • processed in order to fulfill the obligations envisaged in the fiscal and accounting field;
  • transmitted to collaborators, consultants or companies that may need to be involved in theperformance of the relationship;- shared with the press that intend to publish information about the event;
  • managed for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations incumbent on the Owner and providedfor by the regulations in force. 

Personal data may be included in both paper and electronic archives, including portable devices and processed in ways strictly necessary to meet the purposes indicated above.

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Legal basis of the processing 

Giovanni Bottesini Musical Association deals with personal data for the execution of the relationship, of which you are a part. Further treatments will take place only as a consequence ofthis relationship, where it is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation incumbent on the Owner; that is based on the express consent.

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Consequences of non-disclosure of personal data

Due to the requirement to comply with regulatory obligations, for example, the obligations related to the keeping of accounting records and tax, the disclosure of personal data is a requirement for the commencement of the relationship itself.

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Data retention

Your personal data, the subject of treatment for the above-mentioned purposes, will be kept for the whole duration of the relationship and, subsequently, for the time in which the Owner is subject to conservation obligations for fiscal purposes or for other purposes foreseen by legal or regulatory provisions.

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Data communication

Your personal data may be communicated to:

  1. consultants and / or accountants and / or legal advisors who provide functional services for thepurposes indicated above;
  2. persons who process the data, in execution of specific legal obligations;
  3. judicial or administrative authorities, for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

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Profiling and dissemination of data

The Owner performs profiling with respect to the data provided by you, in particular regarding the geographical origin, age, type of performance. Personal data, however, are not the subject ofautomated decision-making processes. Your personal data are not subject to disclosure by any fully automated decision-making process.

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Rights of the data subject

Among the rights granted to you by the GDPR and by the national legislation in force are those of:

  • ask the Owner to access your personal data and information; the correction of inaccurate data or the integration of incomplete data; the cancellation of personal data concerning you (upon the occurrence of one of the conditions indicated in article 17, paragraph 1 of the GDPR and in compliance with the exceptions provided for in paragraph 3 of the same article); the limitation of the processing of your personal data (upon the use of one of the hypotheses indicated in Article 18, paragraph 1 of the GDPR); 
  • request and obtain from the Owner - in the cases in which the legal basis of the treatment is a contract or consent, and it is done by electronic means - your personal data in a structured and readable format by electronic device, also in order to communicate such data to another data controller (the so-called right to the portability of personal data);
  • oppose at any time the processing of your personal data in the occurrence of particular situations that affect you;
  • withdraw the consent at any time, limited to the cases in which the processing is based on your consent for one or more specific purposes and concerns common personal data (for example date and place of birth or place of residence), or particular categories of data (for example data revealing racial origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, health status or sex life). The treatment based on consent and carried out prior to the revocation of itself preserves, however, its lawfulness; 
  • propose a complaint to a supervisory authority (Autorità Garante, authority for the protection of personal data -


In the context of the disclosure already signed and which is here reported in accordance with therights referred to in article 15 to 22 of EU Regulation 2016/679, we hereby ask you to


the use and publication, free of charge, (also pursuant to Article 10 Cod. Civ. and of the Articles 96 and 97, Law 633/41 and its subsequent amendments), of our images of you on the website, on social network pages, in printed media and / or on any other means of distribution, as well as thepreservation of the images themselves in computer files, noting that the purposes of these publications are merely advertising and promotion. This authorization may be withdrawn at any time, with written instruction. If you wish to exercise this right, below is specified the e-mail address of the individual who you may contact at as well as the address of the registered office of this individual for sending ordinary mail.